Multichannel marketing meets customers on their terms.
Your audiences are everywhere. They're engaging with your brand in a digital and physical way. With so many opportunities to connect, a multichannel marketing strategy improves your ability to maximise returns from each channel. You’re able to organise data and deliver campaigns more efficiently and effectively.
Email. Mobile. In store. Website. Which channel is most effective at getting your customers to buy? The short answer is: there is no right answer. To engage your audiences, you’ll likely need a combination of channels. Multichannel marketing allows you to connect with your customers where they want, when they want and how they want.
Each DiG Online Marketing Solution is designed with multiple channels in mind.
With a DiG Online Marketing Solution you will have the ability to capture viewer and visitor data, create and deliver experiences and analyse performance for every channel. The tools within this solution also integrate with your existing business Brand and Marketing Strategy to provide a seamless connection between sales activities and your marketing campaigns, no matter which channels you rely upon.
Automate email marketing for maximum response.
Email continues to be one of the most effective customer engagement channels. Information collected in Channels and Promotions allows you to improve email campaign performance by speaking to your customers in a personalised way. You can create personalised email messages based on data such as contact name, gender, age or product interests. For even greater performance, you can syncronise date and time of channel interactions, so that your messages are received at the best possible moment to drive interaction with your specials and boost sales.
Using a Centralised marketing mechanism (Which could also be your main website also designed and developed by DiG) Automates prospective and existing customer interaction. Message delivery can be automated, triggered by Prospective and existing customer interaction.
You can track email campaign performance , providing insights about which approaches are converting and which ones should be abandoned.
Use social media to get the conversation going.
Social media channels have evolved to become a key pathway for connecting brands with their audiences. DiG Social Media management helps you to integrate your Specials directly from your Centralised Marketing Portal (or Website) and share your brand's voice through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and drive proper click through and communications interaction... But very importantly this same posting should drive people directly back from Social Media to specifically designed landing pages on your Online Marketing Portal (or Website)
By using special techniques DiG can funnel people from Social media directly to Media under your control, on which you can place direct Sales and Referral (eg. Tell-A-Friend) calls to action directly in front of prospective customers rather than them continuing to flounder around on Social Media where it is the objective of the platform to shove competing adverts in front of them distracting them from further interaction with your offerings.
Occasionally things go wrong with your in store service or product delivery and it is then that DiG can can keep and eye on Social Media feedback and drive negative feedback which normally happens in the public space to rather happen on Media directly under your control, thus protecting your brand in the public eye.
So while Social Media is a great place to prospect and DiG will help you increase your reach into your target markets on Social Media, it is important to drive them onto your Online Marketing Portal as quickly and efficiently as possible to increase engagement with your products and further marketing referral campaigns.
Optimise your paid media for better results.
To be effective with your multichannel marketing, you've got to be able to drive traffic to campaign specific landing pages on your Online Marketing Portal through your paid media. DiG can assist you by designing marketing campaigns and digital flyers designed to be posted onto paid for Social Media and other Media advertisingl You set the budget, but DiG can advise you on how to get the best reach for your spend.
Mobilise your marketing to be there in the moment of need.
Today's consumers do more on mobile devices than ever before. Keeping your brand story front-and-centre means connecting through multiple handheld screens with a combination of mobile web, app, SMS and email strategies.
Marketing through mobile devices allows you to deliver relevant experiences in the moment of need. You can proactively create real-time messaging based on profile attributes, customer behaviours. Even more powerful is the capability to trigger changes to improve user experiences.
With an Online Marketing Portal created by DiG, you’re able to collect information and deliver content through most leading device operating systems and mobile app development tools. You can also create customised push notifications based on past interaction metrics within the past month.
An Online Marketing Portal created by DiG allows you to acquire, analyse and engage users with 1:1 personalised interaction across push notifications, in-app messaging and app messaging channels like Tawk Messenger and email.
Physical Store presence interaction.
While many advertising agencies and marketing consultants will sell you on just how effective Advertising Media and Social Media is at attracting customers, the truth is that it is just not true!
I'm not saying don't optimise your Advertising and Social Media presence, but by itself, those are not the most effective tool you have to work with. Your best asset is still your physical Store presence!
Whether you are a TourGuide or a retal outlet your physical presence and staff are vital to a successful marketing strategy. It is far easier to grab the attention of a potential customer directly in front of you and even better to get the attention of an actual customer...
But what do you do with that attention?
Well the answer is simple network and and encourage them to build your potential customer network for you.
DiG provides the perfect mechanisms to make that process easy and even exciting, buy designing easy to use interfaces starting from simple landing pages on your Online marketing Portal that can either be reached by the customer scanning a QR-Code or the staff member sharing a link Mobile to Mobile. Once on the Landing page you can offer your captive audience all sorts of incentives to invite friends, share your campaign on their Social Media or even just like your social media presence.
At DiG we have found leveraging your physical presence to be your most effective form of marketing with the highest feedback and conversion results.
Let DiG set up your Multichannel Marketing Mechanism and Presence.
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