Apply for IT work


61g4p9wJ85L. AC SY450

We are looking for new team members that are eager to learn and have an aptitude for IT and creative digital media. OH and it does not hurt to have attitude and character too. You do not need to be an expert as I am sure we will be able to teach you while you work on projects. Please complete this form as accurately as possible to let us know if you will fit in with our team. Also please do understand we are looking to build a team up so we will only be contacting you once we have enough prospects to invite you all to a tryout session. so please be patient until we contact you. OK.

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Please note that we cannot employ, even if we really want to, unless you are already 18 years of age or older!

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please specify other qualification!

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How BAD are your Joomla skills?

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How Bad are your Wordpress skills?

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How Bad are your Android / iOS Dev skills?

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How Bad are your Photoshop / Gimp skills?

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How BAD are your JAVA skills?

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How BAD are your HTML skills?

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How BAD are your PHP skills?

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How BAD are your CSS skills?

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How BAD are your MySQL skills?

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How BAD are your Javascript skills?

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How BAD are your C# skills?

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How BAD are your C skills?

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How BAD are your C++ skills?

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How BAD are your Go skills?

Please select your level!

How BAD are your Python skills?

Please select at least four!

Select as many as suites you but at least four.

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What's so special about us?

There are so many companies and individuals offering websites out there, so why should you use DiG to create and manage your online business presence?

Yes we have years of coding and design knowledge and we are very good at building websites, but we also have actual business management experience and an understanding of what it takes to run a business from logistics through to marketing.
This is were our offering differs. We use those years of industry experience to develop online tools to assist with your business work flow and processes.
This automation will not only save you time and prevent task repetition but  it will also ensure that all your processes are compliant with current legislation.

WE OFFER ONGOING BUSINESS SOLUTIONS ...    ... not just websites!

There is something special about your business.

Our goal will be to let the world know what that is!

Proudly serving you from Melkbosstrand.


Get in touch






We are not cheap . . .

. . . but we do, however, offer reasonable Website Subscription Plans that make our services affordable and accessible, without sacrificing quality.  This is a great option for smaller to mid-size companies who need a great website on a budget and who also need our regular Monthly Marketing, Social Media and SEO support.

There’s always someone willing to do it cheaper, but . . .

. . . generally, when you find someone willing to do a cheap website, that is what you are getting – a cheap website, and there is always a catch to a cheap website!

Your website should work for you. It is your best employee. Would you underpay your best employee?